Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day III - The Vatican

Today I dedicated the whole day to the Vatican. Woke up at a reasonable hour, put on comfortable shoes, grabbed all the important stuff and started on my journey. When I arrived at Teatro di Marcello I was going to transfer to another bus, but decided to walk along the Tiber. A decision I will never forget....

Arrived just in time for my reserved ticket..Whew! First stop the Vatican Museum.




Alas, the long awaited Sistine Chapel...Cameras off...shhhh.

Aaaand 2 hours later, I'm back. words cannot describe the feeling of being inside the Sistine changes your soul. So now I am headed to the Cupola ..AKA Dome of St. Peter's. I opted for the elevator +320 stairs...there is no way I was going to attempt to climb 500 and some odd stairs. Nope, not me!


 Ahhh here it is the elevator...Ascensore!
Half way there...



Just a few steps...

Aaaand..almost there.


Now, this is the really fun part the last 300 steps as the walls close is and begin to slant...I had to calm myself a little. Some deep breaths were in order.. 



Just when you thought it couldn't get any more narrow... viola! You are walking up the worlds tiniest stairwell. 


Finally, The Lantern!

Stop playing....OK I lied THIS is the worlds tiniest stairwell...I'm convinced the rope was for you to hold on to so as not to pass out and fall backwards onto the poor folks behind you.

and with all that this is the reward...

I didn't stay too was very crowded up we started our journey back down the worlds smallest stairwell...

And the BONUS at the bottom...St. Peter's Basillica.

What an amazing day! The rest of the afternoon was spent wondering around town...

The Castle Sant'Angelo was quite impressive...too bad I can no longer feel my feet..I may have to come back for this one.

A beautiful day to stroll..
 OK, I don't know what kinda shennanagans this is...but I'm not buying it. They are all over town.

More random pics from my stroll...

Who wouldn't love an artichoke tree???

Nope...not stopping here..

I topped off the afternoon with a meal in the Cambio de' Fiori..

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